
Gconvert v0.2

Gconvert is a C++ program converting different graph formats. It is published under the GNU General Public License.
Download Gconvert : Source code Win32 executable



To compile the program type the command "make". If you do not have the "make" utility try : "g++ -O3 Gconvert.cpp graph.cpp -o Gconvert".

Command line usage: Gconvert input_format output_format [input_file] [-o output_file] [options]

input_format and output_format:

The supported formats are all text format. Each line is interpreted as a list of strings separated by delimiters (default is space and tabulation). The strings are vertices names, times or weights (according to the formats). The two first parameters specify the formats of the input and output data. These two parameters are required and must be one of the following formats:

Parameter Graph type Line format Line meaning
AEL (Adjacency Edge List) undirected, unweighted source dest_1 dest_2 ... dest_n There is an undirected edge between the vertex "source" and each vertex "dest_k".
AAL (Adjacency Arc List) directed, unweighted source dest_1 dest_2 ... dest_n There is a directed arc between the vertex "source" and each vertex "dest_k".
EL (Edge List) undirected, unweighted source dest There is one undirected edge between the vertex "source" and "dest". If the line has more than 2 items, the lasts items are ignored.
DEL (Dynamic Edge List) undirected, dynamic, unweighted source dest time There is one undirected edge between the vertex "source" and "dest" at a given "time". If the line has more than 3 items, the lasts items are ignored.
AL (Arc List) directed, unweighted source dest There is one directed arc between the vertex "source" and "dest". If the line has more than 2 items, the lasts items are ignored.
DAL (Dynamic Arc List) directed, dynamic, unweighted source dest time There is one directed arc between the vertex "source" and "dest" at a given "time". If the line has more than 2 items, the lasts items are ignored.
WEL (Weighted Edge List) undirected, weighted source dest [weight] There is one undirected edge between the vertex "source" and "dest" with a given weight. If the weight is omitted, default weight 1.0 is used.
DWEL (Dynamic Weighted Edge List) undirected, dynamic, weighted source dest time [weight] There is one undirected edge between the vertex "source" and "dest" at a given "time" with a given weight. If the weight is omitted, default weight 1.0 is used.
WAL (Weighted Arc List) directed, weighted source dest [weight] There is one directed arc between the vertex "source" and "dest" with a given weight. If the weight is omitted, default weight 1.0 is used.
DWAL (Dynamic Weighted Arc List) directed, dynamic, weighted source dest time [weight] There is one directed arc between the vertex "source" and "dest" at a given "time" with a given weight. If the weight is omitted, default weight 1.0 is used.
CL (Clique List) input only undirected, unweighted vertex_1 vertex_2 ... vertex_n Each pair of the n vertices are linked by an undirected edge.
WCL (WeightedClique List) input only undirected, weighted vertex_1 vertex_2 ... vertex_n Each pair of the n vertices are linked by an undirected edge of weight 2/(n-1). hence each clique has a total weight n.

In all the cases:

input_file and output_file:

If one of these parameters is omitted, the standard input or the standard output is used (useful if you need to pipe the program with another one).


Conversion conventions:

Usage examples:

Comments & bug report

If you find a bug, please send a bug report to including the input file and the parameters that caused the bug.

You can also send me any comment or suggestion about the program.

Previous versions

Gconvert V0.1